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Module question_generator

QuestionGenerator Objects

class QuestionGenerator(BaseComponent)

The Question Generator takes only a document as input and outputs questions that it thinks can be answered by this document. In our current implementation, input texts are split into chunks of 50 words with a 10 word overlap. This is because the default model valhalla/t5-base-e2e-qg seems to generate only about 3 questions per passage regardless of length. Our approach prioritizes the creation of more questions over processing efficiency (T5 is able to digest much more than 50 words at once). The returned questions generally come in an order dictated by the order of their answers i.e. early questions in the list generally come from earlier in the document.


| __init__(model_name_or_path="valhalla/t5-base-e2e-qg", model_version=None, num_beams=4, max_length=256, no_repeat_ngram_size=3, length_penalty=1.5, early_stopping=True, split_length=50, split_overlap=10, prompt="generate questions:")

Uses the valhalla/t5-base-e2e-qg model by default. This class supports any question generation model that is implemented as a Seq2SeqLM in HuggingFace Transformers. Note that this style of question generation (where the only input is a document) is sometimes referred to as end-to-end question generation. Answer-supervised question generation is not currently supported.